The cause is me. Support Advertising: Notice of updates of official material

Hello. This is the Jeki Support Advertising Office.
Thank you for all your inquiries and applications regarding EBiDAN support ads!
This time, the cause is me. Supporting ads Official materials have been updated. Please use this if you are creating a new design in the future.
■The cause is me. Support Advertising Official Materials
The cause is me. The official support materials that can be used when posting support advertisements are as follows.
・The cause is me. Official logo
・Group cut (NEW!!)
・Each individual cut (NEW!!)

Official materials that can be used will be sent to organizations who have applied and have completed the slot collection.
The reason for using it is your own. Official website"Support Advertising Terms and Conditions"Please check the design before creating the item.
*The materials given to you may not be used for personal use (such as posting on social media/making goods) other than support advertisements. Please be sure to delete it after submission.
*For individual solo photos, you can use them out of the photo. Cropping from group photos is not permitted. For more informationHerePlease check.
・Official materials are subject to change without notice. If you switch to a new material during the design review, we may request that you replace the image. Designs that have been approved will continue as they are.
■EBiDAN Q&A page can be found here
EBiDAN support advertisement Q&A has been completed! Please take a look.

We will pick out some of the items you would like to check from the Q&A page, so we would appreciate your confirmation.
From Fan Notation

The reason for the notation "From Fan" is mine. Please include "From Observer" in the support ad.
We will explain the precautions when writing fan.
★Also include the From nickname and From organization name.
★Give a nickname after a fun name, such as "From Observer Cheerko."
Just like copyright, please write it alone.
About the description of the nickname
For new support advertisements to be submitted in the future, it is not possible to list the nickname of only one fan group or other fan organization for the overall design.

Regarding QR code description
- The QR codes posted on EBiDAN support advertisements cannot be moved to anywhere other than officially related items, such as the official website or official SNS. Pages created by fan groups are not permitted.
- When using QR codes, please do not interject cushion sites (such as advertising sites that issue QR codes) and use direct links. Please scan the QR code in the design before submitting your design and check it.
About SNS account description
-Personal SNS account name and account ID are prohibited.
If you would like to display a support advertisement, we will accept applications from four months before the desired date. The application deadline is two months before the posting.
The process for posting the advertisementHere
The schedule for each month isHere
May 20th - Mokuyo Kazuto's birthday!
July 12th - Yoshizawa Koto's birthday!
"ARENA LIVE 2025 Joha Ugly"
National Yoyogi Stadium Integrated Museum
It will be held at 2DAYS on July 12th and 13th!
Support ads can also be held here.
*Applying for July will begin in March.
■Frequently asked questions
☆Questions regarding support advertisements
We have a help page that compiles the "frequently asked questions" that you will receive about support ads. please Help PagePlease refer to this.
"Cheering AD Online" features examples of support advertisements and interviews with other fan organizations. HerePlease check.
■Apply here
The jeki Support Advertising Office will support you in supporting us!
When you think of EBiDAN, Ebisu is the place to go! Advertisements in EbisuHere
We also handle advertisements from all over the country and overseas.♪
I'd love to"Cheering AD OnlinePlease visit the website for "!