Congratulations on your hometown! Voice actor Riko Ohara's birthday advertisement

Hello. JEKI support advertising secretariat.
Introducing the birthday advertisement of Riko Ohara, a voice actor who celebrated his birthday on February 3rd!
Celebrate even in your hometown !!
It was posted at Akihabara Station in Tokyo and two locations in Gifu Station in Gifu Prefecture, which is also the hometown of Ohara. On February 3rd on the day of your birthday, a bus tour traveling in Gifu with Mr. Ohara will be held as a birthday event, and it is also posted at Gifu Station, making it an advertisement that will enjoy more fans. I did!
🌸Riko Ohara's birthday plan🌸
—Riko Ohara's birthday celebration station advertising plan 2024 (@rikopinProject) January 29, 2024
🌸Notice of station advertising🌸
Period: 1/29 to 2/4
Location: JR Akihabara Station / JR Gifu Station
* Depending on the work status, it may start posting after the release.
* Please refrain from contacting the station staff.
* For all inquiries, please contact [Riko Ohara's full support project]
It will be Riko Ohara's birth poster posted at JR Gifu Station! !
—Boyashi Woshi🎧(Buyoshi) (@bv72k1qglukojqv) January 29, 2024
Enter the JR ticket gate and go up the stairs, and there is a waiting area on the electronic bulletin board on line 5 and 6, posting it on that wall.♪
If you stop by, please come!
There is also my name😁
#Riko Ohara
#Riko Pin Orchard
#Riko Ohara Birthday 2024
I saw Riko Ohara's birthday commemorative station advertisement in Gifu Station!
—Waniwa (@waniyuichi) February 4, 2024
I'm glad to be able to participate in such a wonderful project in Gifu, my hometown of Riko ...!#Riko Ohara Birthday 2024 #Riko Ohara #Riko Pin Orchard#With Riko -chan
#Riko Ohara Birthday 2024💗🎂
- T.H03🐯Low -floating😌💤 (@toramu1997) January 29, 2024
JR Akihabara Station Electric Street ticket gate🚉
Station advertisement is being posted until 2/4 from today🖼✨#Riko Ohara#Riko Pin Orchard
What a nice! Response from the person
What a certification shot from Ohara -san! This time, the message of each person from the people who participated in the support advertisement is in the design, so I am glad that the person himself is well conveyed to the celebration!
—Riko Ohara (Kohalico) (@riko_kohara) January 30, 2024
Thank you for a wonderful project✨💐🥹
good morning☀
—Riko Ohara (Kohalico) (@riko_kohara) February 3, 2024
The station advertisement may be the reason why the fans, of course, are easy to visit!
Interview with planning organizations
"Riko Ohara's full -power support project", who was implemented this project, commented.
-What made you want to get a cheering advertisement?
I want to celebrate Riko Ohara's birthday with many people. Among them, I chose a station advertisement that I had not yet issued from Riko Ohara's fans.
-What was the difficulty through planning?
There were many things that could not be announced, such as the announcement time and the contents, and the thorough rules for the project members who participated were the most difficult. That point was saved because the members who trusted the fans were gathering.
-How did you actually implement the project?
Riko Ohara himself also posted images in the picture with the station advertisement, and many people responded on SNS, and I thought again that it was good to implement it. There were many things I couldn't understand in the first station advertising project, but the JEKI support advertising secretariat carefully answered the questions and helped me.
-What kind of support do you want to support in the future?
I would like to support Riko Ohara so that it will be pleased.
I hope to celebrate next year on my birthday.
"Fans"build upThe cheering advertisement is what you can do.
I think there are some difficult parts, but the happiness of the person and the fans on SNS, etc. is many times the joy! The JEKI support advertising secretariat will support the difficult parts.
Congratulations on your birthday Riko Ohara!
And thank you again for helping you with the support advertisement.
I want to put a station poster nationwide!
I want to get excited by fans nationwide! For all the fans
The three major cities and five major cities that are often posted also have a set of support advertising.✨
Of course, it is possible to post it in a local area like this time, soCheck out "Cheering AD Online"!
The JEKI support advertising secretariat will support you!