[Progressive / support advertising survey 2023]-90 % of you want to put out, 80 % of you want to push more-What is the "push cycle" brought about by "support advertising"?


Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat


JEKI Cheering Advertising Secretariat (Cheering AD) by JR East Japan Planning Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya -ku, Tokyo; President: Ryoharu Akashi) (Cheering AD) is a survey to understand the penetration status of support advertisements ("Promoted Activities).・ Supporting advertising survey 2023 ”) was conducted from December to the beginning of the year.

It turns out that ordinary consumers have an estimation of the potential market for "support advertisements" in which they like and want to support them.

"Supporting advertisements" were recognized by about 40 % of those who have experienced active, and it has been found that there are a certain number of long -distance travel (expeditions) to see support ads.
Furthermore, after the implementation of the support advertisement, about 40 % of the fans felt deepened, and about 80 % of the respondents answered that they were active other than support advertisements.

We believe that cheering ads, which are the main fans, create a positive cycle that creates empathy between fans and activates content.

We named this cycle "push cycle". Through support advertising support services, we will promote this "push cycle" and aim to revitalize content.

* The "support advertisement" of this release was heard about "traffic advertising and outdoor advertising".


1. Promotional experience rate

Approximately 40 % of men and women between 15 and 69 answered that they had an experienced experience. Among them, about 60 % of women 15 and 29 say they have an experienced experience.
Approximately one in four men and women in their 50s and 60s responded that they had experience, and it turned out that they were experiencing a wide range of generations.

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat

2. Progressive content

The high -ranking activities that we have implemented were "watching images about the push", "participation in concerts, stage, games, etc.", and "going to buy goods". Fans will mainly support, such as "celebrating the birthdays and anniversaries of pushing", "going to see support advertisements", "Celebration flowers", and "planning and investing support advertisements". It is.

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat

3. [Experienced pushing person] Long -distance movement (expedition) experience rate

It turns out that about 30 % of those who have experienced long -distance (expedition) are experiencing long -distance travel. Looking at the promotional movement implementation rate, it can be seen that even if you are absent, such as "pilgrimage to the sacred place", "gather with fans", "go to see support advertisements", it has led to an expedition motivation.
Since the "support advertisement" is a culture from Korea, it is thought that the ratio of going abroad to go to see support advertisements may be higher than other recommended activities.

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat


The recognition rate of "support advertising" of experienced people is about 40 %. 20 % of them have actually seen it.
The recognition rate of men and women between the ages of 15 and 29 is about 60 %, and about 40 % of men and women in their 60s are thought to be permeated in a wide range of experienced people.

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat

5. [Supported advertisement contacters] The impact of support advertisements ①

After the support advertising, about 40 % of the organizers and investors said that the connection between fans has deepened. For fans who went to the ad, about 50 % of the fans feel the depth of the connection between fans.

In addition, about 50 % of fans who went to see support advertisements posted photos of the cheering advertisements they went to on SNS. The act of posting support advertisements is one of the actions of "support", and posting on SNS leads to exchanges, so it is a factor that realizes the depth of the connection between fans. It is.

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat

6. [Supported advertisement contacts] The impact of support advertisements ②

After the supporting advertisement, about 80 % of them answered that they were activated other than support advertising (event participation, goods, CD purchases, etc.). Compared to the previous survey, the number of people who answered "increased" increased by about 15 %.

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat

7. [Supported advertisement implementer] intention of re -implementation

Approximately 90 % of the cheering advertising organizers want to host again. Approximately 80 % of support advertising investors said that about 70 % could be sponsored. It turns out that the intention of re -implementation is very high.

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat

8. "Supported advertisement" potential market

The potential market for cheering advertisements is 37.7 billion yen, expanding year -on -year.
The amount that can be used for cheering advertisements for inexperienced people has increased from the previous year to "47,000 yen", and it is considered that the value of cheering advertisements has also spread to inexperienced people. 。

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat

The "recommended cycle" brought by the support advertisement

By implementing a "cheering advertisement" that is a "active activity" for the fan, it creates empathy between the fans, which becomes heat, and the content is further activated.
We have that positive cycle“Proserable cycle”I named it.
We through support advertising support services“Proserable cycle”We will create a world where content is activated.

Progressive / support advertising survey 2023_JEKI support advertising secretariat

"Progressive / support advertising survey 2023" survey overview
JR East Japan Planning JEKI Supported Advertising Secretariat "Cheering AD"
Survey method: Internet questionnaire survey
Survey period: December 26, 2023 -January 9, 2024
Survey area: 1 prefecture and 3 prefectures
Survey subjects: 15-69 years old men and women
Number of samples: 19,202
* The "support advertisement" of this release was heard about "traffic advertising and outdoor advertising".
* Since the numbers in the graph do not adjust the fractions due to the rounded five, the breakdown may not match.

Please refer to the following for the results of last year.

"Progressive / support advertising survey 2022"

In the future, we will continue to conduct investigations and contribute to the expansion of advertising culture by content market and general consumers.

JEKI Support Advertising Secretariat _cheeringad

■ For inquiries regarding survey data, inquiries from companies/corporations/mediaFrom here
(Please feel free to contact us for media and questions.)