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Sushiro signage

Sushiro signage

Regular price ¥1,500,000 (税別)
Regular price (税別)Sale price ¥1,500,000 (税別)
Sale Sold out
* When posting support advertisements, permission from the rights, such as affiliated offices, is essential.
* Please note that it is not always possible to post it depending on the availability of the advertising.
1 week / 1 month
Price (excluding tax)
1,500,000-5,000,000 yen
start date
Confirmation each time
Other precautions
Video production will occur separately.

About this advertising slot

・ Sushiro's waiting room, digital signage installed in about 580 stores nationwide. It is a perfect advertising frame to celebrate sushi lovers.

Detailed information

・ Number of surfaces: Sushiro signage

  (Approximately 580 stores nationwide)

・ Confirmation of publication and advertising in accordance with advertising and advertising standards.
・ Even after the start of the post, it may not be possible to post it in a hurry due to the convenience of the store (construction, claim from tenant, etc.).
In addition, the posting may be stopped without notice due to obstacles such as communication equipment and displays.
The following items cannot be posted. Please note.
・ Those that are contrary to public order and morals, those that give uncomfortable passers and the public, and are recognized as not being posted in social wisdom.
・ Others recognize that the media is inappropriate.

Delivery date
Data submission: The submission is 10 business days before the broadcast start date, and if the submission is delayed, a separate cost will be incurred.

Long until posting

  1. First, apply
    Please put your desired advertisement in the cart from this page.
  2. Confirmation of permission to affiliated office
    To affiliated offices will be allowed to post advertisements and permit image use.
  3. Confirmation of vacant frame status
    Check the latest vacant frame status.
  4. Payment → Secure advertising slots
    Please pay the advertising fee.
  5. Design screening
    You will need to judge the advertising content. Please send the completed version of the design.
  6. Delivery of advertisements
    Please deliver advertisements by the specified date.
  7. Posting
    A cheering ad will be posted.
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